
Thursday, 26 April 2012

Final Stages....

Have sewn the backing together.

The finished top looks like this:

And the backing will be reddish, and also the binding. I think it looks really cool.


Chuffed face :D

Monday, 23 April 2012

See? I am doing something!

Here's a wee peek of the work-in-progress bedspread - which is really real, not just a blether :)

Its coming on well, and should hopefully be done by end April; although now that I have seen the date on my laptop, it may be later....

But the top is in it's final stages, and as there's no wadding, the basting should be fairly easy. Will be quilting along the line just to define the pattern.

Details to follow when I finish, I've been noting the process and will hopefully have enough to make another one, should it work out that way. Always easier to follow instructions.

More soon!

Thursday, 19 April 2012

Hannibal chews the end off his cigar and winds another bobbin....

Sewing is going on. Honest. Have made half of the top of the bedspread, laid it out with some raw fabric to check the design, and it looks. Really. Good. Have photos, but camera too far away to show - plus, lighting and cameraman not the best by any standards ie. me.

Still glad it looks good in reality, and that what I imagined is coming out true. It'll be big too, calculations very much guesstimates, but in a good way.

I Love it when a plan comes together.

Tuesday, 10 April 2012

Where does the time go?

Have been mostly working at my real job, boohiss, although it is a bookshop so it could be a lot worse (!) and visiting the family in the islands, so not much crafting going on other than travelling socks, but I am working between two projects. The wedding quilt has paused temporarily to make way for a denim Union Jack bedspread due at the end of April.

I am planning it along these lines:

(Pic from Amazon)
Except with denim jean patchwork for the blue bits, and have some red and cream upholstery for the rest. Has to be dogproof, hence the heavier fabrics. So far so ...slowly. But definitely getting there.