
Thursday, 24 May 2012

Phase I finished. Prepare for Phase II...

Last block of the wedding commission finished tonight. Phew.

Now all I have to do is sew the top together, layer and pin baste, quilt and bind.

So not much left to do then :)

Wednesday, 23 May 2012

Groundhog Quilting...

You know that feeling you get when you make something from lots of little bits, and it feels like you've been doing it a while, and you look up, and the clock hasn't moved one single solitary second?

That's what these quilts feel like. Don't get me wrong, I love them, and the finished results are going to be so worth it, but I sew and cut, cut and sew, iron, cut, sew, iron, and I'M STILL NOT FINISHED!

But I suppose it's getting closer to being done with every stitch. I will just have to grit my teeth and get on with the last few blocks and not, repeat NOT, think about all the cool quilts out there, and all the tempting new fabrics I have ordered, and the colour combinations I want to try out; none of that. I will get my head down and get on with the job in hand.

It may kill me.

Here's some evidence I am doing something: (old photos doesnt mean I aint workng, you know)

Have since added blue and purple hearts, and some more green.

Thursday, 10 May 2012

Fankle Quilting at the Perth Scottish Knitting Show

   No, not a mistake, I do have some knitting things left from my olde shoppe, oh! those were the days...But I will have a few quilting efforts there to show people what I  have done, and can do.
   I'm currently sitting listening to the printer laboriously chugging its way through some descriptions and pictures of my quilts to put in a folder. Not very technologically advanced, I'm sure some sort of virtual album could be whizzinbg around pon the table at the show, but we fear change - unless it suits our prupose. Like web shopping for sewing supplies WOOHOO!
   Anyway, for those who want to check it out, come to the Perth Racecourse on Saturday 12 May from 10 - 4, and you'll see loads of lovely wool, notions, accessories, handspun and dyed and machine knitting cones, plus a wee stall upstairs with cheap knitting needles, patterns, books, and the promise of some lovely quilts.

Thursday, 3 May 2012

Raindrops on roses...

Well, no rain here at all, actually, which makes a change, but my favourite thing at the minute is the basted and almost finished huuuuuuuuuuge Union Jack bedspread, languishing on the sewing room floor upstairs. So close, I can imagine it gracing the bed it's bound for, putting all other room decorations to shame.

I really should get off here and finish it! Have restarted the heart and Irish chain blocks, and they've picked up again nicely. Good to have stuff on the go. Off to do some sewing - the housework has just been pushed even lower on the priority list....