
Saturday, 14 September 2013

Filling the silence....

...with the sounds of the sewing machine. Hubby and daughter are away for the night so have the house to myself - have spent all day sewing WOOHOO! Peace, perfect peace, with takeaway food, the laptop entirely to myself and loads of sewing with no interruptions. Aaaaaaah. I will miss them tomorrow, but so far today, so good :)

And I'm finally tackling the pink/brown quilt top that has been lying on my design floor for ever. Phew. Currently sewing the rows together, with cider alongside and some choons on the puter - like this:

Different, but cool.

Aaaah. The silence! (Is unnerving, so will crank up the stereo.)

Ciao, I have some stitches to produce :) xx

Sunday, 8 September 2013

In praise of the internet

Hallo. Apologies for the lack of blog posts on here lately. At the moment I am stuffed to the gunwales with snot, with throbbing sinuses and a rumbling toothache thrown in to boot.

Part of the joys of being diabetic, I reckon. Your immune system is shot to hell, because Diabetes type 1 (which is what I have) is caused when your body attacks itself and knackers your pancreas, so no more insulin, hello injections for ever.
Which is fine, except my immune system likes to keep itself amused by throwing huge viruses at me every so often. Hence my overwhelming tissue usage and my amazing ability to power a wind turbine with my sneezes.

Oh, and a filling needed replaced the other week, got replaced, grumbled ever since, and there is now extended root treatment in my near future. And I hate going to the dentist. (shudder)
Ha! If only....

But, I am powering away on the mitre blanket, seeing as I am mostly anchored to the couch. Have got 6 blocks by 7 blocks done and working in the 7th row. Still looking good, and its keeping my lap toasty warm as I knit.

And thank you everyone in blogland for continuing to post beautiful pictures of your work, and thank you lovely bloggers like Crazy Mom Quilts for giving people a showcase to let them be admired. Yay for the internet when you feel rubbish!

Much snottery love to all xxxxx