
Sunday, 12 February 2012

Fed. Up.

I am so fed up. Still havent shifted this cold, and its has left me deaf in one ear, and a sore throat has appeared this afternoon, with great pain swallowing and all the fun that goes with it. Am so fed up of being ill! The Hubby has been ill with post viral fatigue for over a year now, and I'm the one who has been carrying the family for that time, which has had a knock-on effect on my own health, me being diabetic and all. So my immune system in knackered (medical term) and I'm suffering for it now. Bloody Hmph. And cough.


I know in the grand scheme of things we are very very lucky. We have health care and our own house, and we can still work (most of the time) and are educated with our healthy child having friends and family all around us.
And I managed a few more blocks for my friend's wedding present quilt.

So it could all be worse.

And here's something which always makes me smile (check for some language):

Thanks, Chive, for cheering us up every day :)

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