
Thursday, 28 June 2012


Finished! With washing and drying and everything!

Here's the whole quilt, in not brilliant detail, because the camera has decided it is not long for this world. Hmph.

Really chuffed with it though (the quilt, that is). Have taken the Irish Chain to the corners and placed the hearts in between, 7 blocks x 7 blocks, so 49 in all - 24 Heart and 25 Chain. Plus a 4 inch border and pieced striped binding, which I love.
 This one on the right shows the backing. I pieced a colourful strip down the centre of the quilt to make the back a bit more interesting. Duck egg sheeting. All over stipple quilted.

The whole thing shrank by about 3 inches after washing, which is ideal really - the quilt looks textured without being too crinkled. Finished size 89" square.

I dried it indoors - this is a Scottish summer after all - and it took a couple of days laid out on a sheet on the floor.
Even managed to keep the cat off it :)

Detail of the quilting, and a heart. I love the wee owl print here, though I can't remember where it came from.

Note the wee label sewn into the binding - Handmade by Fankle. That's me!

So...what do you think?


  1. I just love the hearts and the over all look of this quilt. I would like to see all your quilts. I see you have labels but not on the side bar so that I could see all the quilts without hunting for them. Could you tell me where you found this pattern. Trish

    1. Hi Trish, Many thanks for the kind words! I have a load of them on Flickr (Crabbitquilter), and am working towards getting the blog up to speed. I am not very accomplished when it comes to computery stuff. Am working on it, honest!
      No pattern for this one, just made up the Irish Chains to 12.5 inch and made the heart block to match. You can prob find something to match online somewhere :)


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