
Sunday, 10 February 2013

too late for sensible navel-gazing

Do you know the trouble with reading on the interweb about all these fantastic creations? I am starting to feel like a total underachiever.

  • I am not a mother of 5 who home schools, bakes cakes and cookies for the local church, and can bash out 12 charity quilts on a wet Tuesday afternoon while watching the entire series of Downton Abbey. 

  • I don't run marathons or scuba dive; live in a fantastically dramatic climate involving snow shovels or tidal waves;  I don't have a farm with 1500 head of cattle, 4 llamas and a goat.

So what am I like?

Turns out I take aaages to do anything and even longer to decide what that anything is; I have the attention span of an ADHD goldfish, and hate to be told what to do, even by my own sorry self. 

I have one child, who is pretty darn good, and a lovely hubby who, despite some ill health over the last couple of years, is more than capable of washing up, filling the machine with dirty clothes and switching it on, and entertaining said child for a few hours while I snore my way through Saturday morning.

I don't have a job, other than looking after said family and house, and am not really actively looking for work just yet.


Any redeeming features at all? 

  1. I make a mean tray of shortbread; 
  2. read like a demon
  3. I can remember the words of about a gazillion songs; 
  4. feed the birds in my garden regularly with lots of avian loveliness (even dried mealworms, yuk); 
  5. keep my family warm with knitting and sewing, from head to toe....

 Does that sound like a good enough start?


  1. Sounds like MORE than a good enough start ... I don't think you're an underachiever! No two people are the same - even two people with 5 kids could perform different tasks each day ... who's to say which one is actually achieving more? Enjoy each moment and what you ARE doing (even if it's nothing!) and know you are amazing for whatever you do :)

  2. Cheers Glinda, wise and sensible words. Of course, if I actually got off my moany bum and went and did something instead of browsing the internet all night, I may really achieve something! Will go and do that right now! xxx

    1. LOL ... loved reading your reply after an awful day at work. Cheers m'dear :)

  3. This post on your blog made me smile. It's time someone said it! :)

    1. Cheers Karen, It can be overwhelming, cant it? Must restrict myself to no more than a dozen blogs a night or will end up with my head in the oven.... ;)


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