
Thursday, 16 May 2013


I've been busy in these days of radio silence. Clearing out the midden that was my sewing room, and finding some pleasant and some unpleasant surprises there, but glad to have done it. I will take some pictures of my deluxe attic pad when the light is better, and show off the new ironing board cover I made too.

I hate ironing. Surely one of the more tedious of all household chores. Standing there over a board sweating buckets and trying to find hangers to put the freshly flattened shirts on only to find them squashed into the wardrobe minutes later. All you have to show for it is a sore wrist and backache (or maybe I'm doing it wrong).

Quilting, on the other hand, requires much ironing, and I will happily spend a day running between sewing machine and iron, noting with great satisfaction the smoothed fabric and perfectly tucked away seams.


And while I was ironing my stash from the washing machine pile (it's only been sitting in a heap for 3 months, hardly any time at all, really) I found the perfect fabric to replace my grotty old unloved and unlovable ironing board cover. So I replaced it. Heh.

I love it; I love looking at it; it fits in perfectly with my tidy gorgeous sewing room, and it will not make ironing a shirt one iota more pleasant at all.

I am looking forward to pressing a few seams though...


  1. Love your label! Photos please of your tidy gorgeous sewing room :)

    1. Cheers :) Pics will be up later - I finally have something to show for Finish It Friday !

  2. I couldn't have said it better.

    1. I know! Even now I wander in to my sewing room and gaze at the ironing board with satisfaction, but the thought of putting an item of clothing on it - urgh! People are strange.or maybe its just me :)


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