
Wednesday, 23 March 2016


Or should I call it, slow living? Whatever it is, I've not felt the need to post anything for a while. Its probably Facebook's fault, or Pinterest, or the fact that as soon as I think I should do something, its then the last thing I want to do. I'm twisted like that.

On the other hand, it does mean a plethora of things to put in one post. Or several. Maybe I should take it easy and see how it goes?

I've been working away at my usual stuff: bit of knitting -


...bit of crochet -


...and a bit of quilting -


...and these are just the things I've taken pictures of! Loads more works in progress. I've been enjoying a lot of reading, baking and generally chilling out, as well as my part-time wool shop work and general mooching about. And looking after the family, of course.

This year, though, we're all about trying something new/. Not too much all at once, though, I couldnt cope :) But we're letting out our house for the Open Golf this year in Troon, which means a great deadline to get all those jobs done that we've  been meaning to do.

I'm going to be leaving my part-time job before the summer holidays so I have the summer with the family and the chance to try something new - teaching classes in crafts at my own house. I have years of knitting experience, much crochet experience, and have taught a few classes already, so I think I can put it to good use without leaving the comfort of my own home. I'd like to offer the participants a good atmosphere as well, with tea and coffee, home baking and comfortable surroundings without distractions (does the cat count?) I have plans.....

Watch this space.

(I'm talking to myself here, am a great one for planning and talking and never getting round to doing)


  1. Hello and welcome back! You need to get on Instagram - it's great. The teaching classes sound wonderful ... I may get to finally meet you :)

  2. great work digitizing company amazing and pretty designs great patterns &$$#%^$$$&*$&


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