I have finished the bedspread, which is as good as its going to get. I am annoyed that I made some rookie mistakes,

(Image from sodahead.com)
and that I had so much extra work to do on it, but it is finished, it looks pretty good overall, and hopefully its recipients will think its ok.
Now I am wondering what to do next.
(image from imageenvision.com) |
I'm away from my fabric stash right now, on holiday, and have some knitting with me, which is great but sore on the elbows. Stupid, stupid tennis elbow. Knitter's elbow. And am I the only person to have sprained an index finger from too much knitting? I remember one Xmas my hubby was away and I knitted loads with all my spare time, and when I was at work I coudn't pick up things because my index finger was so tender. Hmmmm. Just me?
Anyway. While I wait for the last bit of wool for my throw to be delivered (lovely, lovely internet shopping!) I am pondering the next quilt. I have a blue and white square one to quilt, its been basted, but I need a start of something new.
Baby quilt?
Double bed size?
Table mats?
Am going to be at the Stair Community Fete in August (date??) and will need some little things for that, so I may indulge my need for quick, easy projects and make some table mats and doll quilts. Yes, sounds good.
Now for some inspiration:
Check out Hillary Lang's wall on Flickr :)