Tuesday, 5 July 2011

Being Rubbish

Well, it turns out that I am rubbish at keeping a blog. That is no surprise to me, given that I have the attention span of an amnesiac goldfish, so the fact that I am typing just now is amazing. The corrections, typos and spelling mistakes are not surprising.
I suppose life would be a bit less strenuous if I wasnt trying to keep a house and family afloat with little help from my poor soul of a hubby, who has been battling with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome or whatever evil equivalent is draining all his energy and sap, and didnt have a stroppy head cold myself to contend with.

Hey ho. Not much we can do about it really except soldier on.

Note to self - Try to remember that the little annoying things will gang up on you and try to make your life a screaming frustrating misery, so step aside once in a while and take a detatched look - it really aint that bad. Himself is feeling far worse than you right now, but still manages to get a bit of work done. The Blighter is a gorgeous wee girl, with good manners, sense and a clever head on her shoulders.
Movement. Later. x

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